Books & Publications

Full list on interactive CV.

Books authored

Brooks, Thom (under contract). Immigration, Nationality and Asylum Law and PolicyOxford: Hart.

Brooks, Thom (under contract). Great Debates in Immigration, Nationality and Asylum Law. Oxford: Hart.

Brooks, Thom (under contract). Thinking Legally: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Brooks, Thom (2025). Punishment: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brooks, Thom (2025). Theories of PunishmentCambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Brooks, Thom (2025). Political Philosophy: The FundamentalsOxford: Blackwell.

Brooks, Thom (2023). Global Justice: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.

Brooks, Thom (2022). The Trust Factor: Essays on the Current Political Crisis and Hope for the FutureLondon: Methuen. (Cited: House of Lords Queen’s Speech debate 2022)

Brooks, Thom (2022). Reforming the UK’s Citizenship Test: Building Bridges, Not Barriers. Bristol: Bristol University Press. (See: policy brief).

Brooks, Thom (2022). New Arrivals: A Fair Immigration Plan for Labour (Fabian Ideas No. 568). London: Fabian Society. Won Jenny Jeger Prize. Review: LabourList

Brooks, Thom (2021). Punishment: A Critical Introduction, 2nd edition. London: Routledge. (Translation: in Chinese for Shanghai People’s Publishing House (2022); Review: Philosophy Compass)

Brooks, Thom (2020). Climate Change Ethics for an Endangered World. London: Routledge. (Reviews: McGill Journal of Sustainable Development LawDown to Earth magazine; The Philosopher & the News podcast interview)

Brooks, Thom (2016). Becoming British: UK Citizenship Examined. London: Biteback. (Reviews: Nyberg (television), The Big Issue, The Observer, Progress; see Durham Book Fair)

Brooks, Thom (2013). Hegel’s Political Philosophy: A Systematic Reading of the Philosophy of Right. 2d edition. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
(Reviews: Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great BritainMind, Philosophy in ReviewPolitical Studies Review, H-Net; special issue: Hegel Bulletin)

Brooks, Thom (2012). Punishment. London: Routledge.
(Reviews: Analysis Reviews, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Book Reviews, Criminal Law and PhilosophyHoward Journal of Criminal Justice, IPPRJournal of Moral Philosophy, Prison JournalKelvingrove Review, LSE Review of Books, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, San Francisco Review of Books; special issue: Philosophy and Public Issues)

Brooks, Thom (2007). Hegel’s Political Philosophy: A Systematic Reading of the Philosophy of Right. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
(Reviews: Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great BritainHegel-StudienMindPhilosophy CompassPhilosophy in ReviewPolitical Studies Review, H-Net; special issue: Hegel Bulletin)

Books edited  (selected)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2025). Leading Works in Immigration, Nationality and Refugee LawLondon: Routledge.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2025). Leading Works in the Philosophy of LawLondon: Routledge.

Atkinson, Catherine, Thom Brooks and Dave Drew (ed.) (2024). British Legal Reform: An Agenda for Change. Bristol: Policy Press. (Published with the Society of Labour Lawyers.)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2023). The Global Justice Reader, Revised EditionOxford: Blackwell.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2023). Plato’s The SymposiumNew Delhi: South Asia Press.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2022). Political Emotions: Towards a Decent Public Sphere. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2020). The Oxford Handbook of Global Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Reviews: ChoiceContemporary Political Theory)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2019). Plato’s The Republic. New Delhi: South Asia Press.

Brooks, Thom and Sebastian Stein (eds) (2017). Hegel’s Political Philosophy: On the Normative Significance of Method and System. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(Reviews: Bulletin de litterature hegelienne, Choice, Contemporary Political Theory, Hegel-Studien, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews [“The contributors include some of the most prominent contemporary scholars writing on Hegel’s practical philosophy…Some of its contributions are really excellent, breaking new ground in what is by now well-worn territory”], Owl of Minerva).

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2016). Current Controversies in Political Philosophy. London: Routledge.

Brooks, Thom and Martha C. Nussbaum (eds) (2015). Rawls’s Political Liberalism. New York: Columbia University Press.
(Reviews: International Dialogue, InterpretationPolitical Studies ReviewLas Torres de LuccaNotre Dame Philosophical Reviews)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2015). Alcohol and Public Policy. London: Routledge.
(Review: Drug and Alcohol Today)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2014). Ethical Citizenship: British Idealism and the Politics of Recognition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
(Review: Political Studies Review)

Brooks, Thom (ed.). (2014). Law and Legal Theory. Boston: Brill.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2014). New Waves in Global Justice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2014). Deterrence. Farnham: Ashgate.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2014). Juvenile Offending. Farnham: Ashgate.
(Review: Prison Service Journal, Social Policy Digest)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2014). Retribution. Farnham: Ashgate.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2014). Sentencing. Farnham: Ashgate.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2014). Shame Punishment. Farnham: Ashgate.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2013). Just War Theory. Boston: Brill.
(Review: Political Studies Review)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2012). Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Oxford: Blackwell.
(Review: ChoiceNotre Dame Philosophical Reviews)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2012). Rawls and Law. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2012). Justice and the Capabilities Approach. Aldershot: Ashgate.
(Review: Journal of Human Development and Capabilities)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2011). Ethics and Moral Philosophy. Boston: Brill.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2011). Global Justice and International Affairs. Boston: Brill.
(Review: Journal of Moral Philosophy)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2011). New Waves in Ethics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
(Reviews: Australasian Journal of PhilosophyMetapsychology)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2008). The Global Justice Reader. Oxford: Blackwell.
(Reviews: Political Studies ReviewTheoria)

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2009). The Right to a Fair Trial. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2007). Locke and Law. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Brooks, Thom & Fabian Freyenhagen (eds) (2005, paperback 2007). The Legacy of John RawlsLondon: Continuum. (Reviews: Contemporary Political Theory, Political Studies Review (2x)).

Brooks, Thom (ed.) (2005). Rousseau and Law. Aldershot: Ashgate.


Articles and book chapters (selected)

Brooks, Thom (2025). Republican Children,” Philosophy and Public Affairs 53(1): 37 – 65.

Brooks, Thom (forthcoming). “A Critique of von Hirsch’s Censure Theory,” Ratio Juris.

Brooks, Thom (2025). “Rawls on Global Justice” in Lori Watson, Blain Neufeld and Christine Hartley (eds), The Oxford Handbook on the Philosophy of John Rawls. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Brooks, Thom (2024). “The Relevance of State Misconduct for Mitigating Individual Punishment” in Julian V. Roberts, Jesper Ryberg and Leo Zaibert (eds), Responding to the Culpable State: Is Sentence Mitigation Appropriate? Oxford: Hart, forthcoming.

Brooks, Thom (2024). Immigration and Nationality Law Reform” in Catherine Atkinson, Thom Brooks and David Drew (eds), British Legal Reform: An Agenda for Change. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 188-201.

Brooks, Thom (2024). “The Problem of Hegel’s Problem of Poverty” in Kevin Hickson and Matt Beech (eds), The Idea of the Good Society: Essays in Honour of Raymond Plant. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Brooks, Thom (2024). “Work in Hegel’s Political Philosophy” in Julian Jonker an Grant Rozeboom (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Work. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Brooks, Thom (2024). “Philosophical Disagreement and Public Policy Making” in Maria Baghramian, J. Adam Carter and Richard Rowland (eds), Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Disagreement. London: Routledge, pp. 459-468.

Brooks, Thom (2024). “Citizenship Tests” in Sahar Akhtar (ed.), Routledge Handbook on the Ethics of Immigration. New York: Routledge, forthcoming.

Brooks, Thom (2024). “A ‘Global’ Global Justice Theory” in Hsin-Wen Lee and Janusz Salomon (eds), Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Justice and East Asian Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 15-28.

Brooks, Thom (2024). “Cruel and Unusual Punishment” in Jesper Ryberg (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Punishment. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 275-286.

Brooks, Thom (2024). “Hegel’s Contextual Theory of Freedom: How ‘the Free Will Wills the Free Will'” in Paolo Diego Bubbio and Andrew Buchwalter (eds), Justice and Freedom in Hegel. London: Routledge, pp. 29-39.

Brooks, Thom (2023). “Why Should Guilty Pleas Matter?” in Julian V. Roberts and Jesper Ryberg (eds), Pleading Guilty: Ethical Perspectives on Sentencing the Self-Convicted. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 127-150.

Brooks, Thom (2023). Punitive Restoration in Matthew Altman (ed.), Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Punishment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 639-656.

Brooks, Thom (2022). The ‘Transition’ to Restorative Justice in (ed.), Political Emotions: Towards a Decent Public Sphere. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175-192.

Brooks, Thom (2022). Cultivating Citizenship: On the Importance of Stakeholding in (ed.), Political Emotions: Towards a Decent Public Sphere. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 115-132.

Brooks, Thom (2021). Why Labour Needs an Academic Network,” Renewal 29(4): 44 – 52.

Brooks, Thom (2021). “Taking the System Seriously: On the Importance of ‘Objective Spirit’ for Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” in Sebastian Stein and Joshua Wetzel (eds), Hegel’s Encyclopaedia: A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 203-215.

Brooks, Thom (2021). Hegel’s Social and Political Philosophy, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Brooks, Thom (2020). Global Justice and Stakeholding,” International Journal of Applied Philosophy  34(1): 105-122.

Brooks, Thom (2020). More than Recognition: Why Stakeholding Matters for Reconciliation in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, The Owl of Minerva 51(1-2): 59 – 86.

Brooks, Thom (2020). “Collective Responsibility for Severe Poverty,” Global Policy 11(4): 486-491.

Brooks, Thom (2020). “Saving Multiculturalism with Stakeholding: Hegel and the Challenges of Pluralism” in James Gledhill and Sebastian Stein (eds), Hegel and Contemporary Practical Philosophy: Beyond Kantian Constructivism. London: Routledge, pp. 305—317.

Brooks, Thom (2020). Capabilities, Freedom and Severe Poverty in (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Global Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 199 – 213.

Brooks, Thom (2020). Climate Change Ethics and the Problem of End-State Solutions in (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Global Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 241 – 258.

Brooks, Thom (2019). “The Life in the UK Citizenship Test and the Urgent Need for Its Reform” in Devyani Prabhat (ed.), Citizenship in Times of Turmoil? Theory, Practice and Policy. London: Edward Elgar, pp. 22-60.

Brooks, Thom (2019). “Taking the System Seriously: Nicholson’s Overturning Orthodoxy about Hegel and Punishment,” Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 25(2) (2019): 315-334.

Brooks, Thom (2019). “Brexit Means Anything but Brexit: Why the Prime Minister is at a Crossroads and in Need of a Second Referendum,” European Human Rights Law Review 3: 229-234. Commissioned by the late Jonathan Cooper QC.

Brooks, Thom (2018). “Capabilities, Political Liberalism and Private Law,” Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 104(4): 556-569.

Brooks, Thom (2017). “Punitive Restoration and Restorative Justice,” Criminal Justice Ethics 36(2): 122-140.

Brooks, Thom (2017). “Unlocking Morality from Criminal Law,” Journal of Moral Philosophy 14(3): 339-352.

Brooks, Thom (2017). Is Eating Meat Ethical?” Think 47: 9-13.

Brooks, Thom (2017). Hegel on Crime and Punishment in Thom Brooks & Sebastian Stein (eds), Hegel’s Political Philosophy: On the Normative Significance of Method and System. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 202-221.

Brooks, Thom (2017). “Hegel’s Philosophy of Law” in Dean Moyar (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Hegel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 453-474.

Brooks, Thom and Diana Sankey (2017). “Beyond Reason: The Legal Importance of Emotions” in Patrick Capps and Shaun D. Pattinson (eds), Ethical Rationalism and the Law. Oxford, Hart, pp. 131-148.

Brooks, Thom (2016). “Labour can overcome its immigration problem,” Renewal 24(4): 80-88.

Brooks, Thom (2016). “Is Fair Trade a Fair Deal?” Cambridge Review of International Affairs 29(2): 548-561.

Brooks, Thom (2016). In Defence of Punishment and the Unified Theory of Punishment: A Reply,” Criminal Law and Philosophy 10(3): 629-638.

Brooks, Thom (2016). “Punitive Restoration: Giving the Public a Say on Sentencing” in Albert Dzur, Ian Loader and Richard Sparks (eds), Democratic Theory and Mass Incarceration. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 140-161.

Brooks, Thom (2016). Vote Buying and Tax Cut Promises,” Theoria 63: 20-35.

Brooks, Thom (2016). How Not to Save the Planet,” Ethics, Policy & Environment 19(2): 119-135 (target article).

Brooks, Thom (2016). “Justice as Stakeholding” in Krushil Watene and Jay Drydyk (eds), Theorizing Justice: Critical Insights and Future Directions. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 115-132.

Brooks, Thom (2016). The EU Migration Crisis: What Next?” Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 34(1): 4-7.

Brooks, Thom (2015). Climatic Change Justice through Taxation?” Climatic Change 133(3): 419-426.

Brooks, Thom (2015).What is the Impact of Political Theory?” Political Studies Review 13(4): 500—505. Part of special issue about my views on political theory’s impact.

Brooks, Thom (2015). The Capabilities Approach and Political Liberalism” in Thom Brooks and Martha C. Nussbaum (eds), Rawls’s Political Liberalism. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 139—173.

Brooks, Thom (2015). “Why Save the Planet?” in (ed.), Current Controversies in Political Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 138-147.

Brooks, Thom (2015). “Involuntary Intoxication: A New Six-Step Procedure,” Journal of Criminal Law 79(2): 138-146.

Brooks, Thom (2015). “Alcohol and Controlling Risks Through Nudges,” The New Bioethics 21(1): 46-55.

Brooks, Thom (2015). “The Stakeholder Society and the Politics of Hope,” Renewal 23(1/2): 44-54.

Brooks, Thom (2014). “Legal Positivism and Faith in Law,” Modern Law Review 77(1): 139—147.

Brooks, Thom (2014). “Remedial Responsibilities beyond Nations,” Journal of Global Ethics 10(2): 156—166.

Brooks, Thom (2014). “On F. H. Bradley’s ‘Some Remarks on Punishment,’” Ethics 125(1): 223—225.

Brooks, Thom (2014). Ethical Citizenship and the Stakeholder Society” in (ed.) Ethical Citizenship: British Idealism and the Politics of Recognition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 125—138.

Brooks, Thom (2014). “On Punitive Restoration,” Demos Quarterly 2 (April 2014).

Brooks, Thom (2014). “Stakeholder Sentencing,” in Julian Roberts and Jesper Ryberg (eds), Popular Punishment: On the Normative Significance of Public Opinion for Penal Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 183—203.

Brooks, Thom (2014). “What is Wrong about the ‘Criminal Mind’?” Northern Ireland Law Quarterly 65(2): 141-151.

Brooks, Thom (2014). “Criminal Harms” in (ed.), Law and Legal Theory. Boston: Brill, pp. 149-161.

Brooks, Thom (2014). “Beyond Retribution,” Think 13(38): 47-50.

Brooks, Thom (2014). “A New Problem with the Capabilities Approach,” Harvard Review of Philosophy 20: 100-106.

Brooks, Thom (2014). “How Global is Global Justice? Towards a Global Philosophy in (ed.), New Waves in Global Justice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 228-244.

Brooks, Thom (2013). “In Defence of Political Theory: Impact and Opportunities,” Political Studies Review 11(2): 209-15. This piece at heart of debate of later special issue on political theory’s impact.

Brooks, Thom (2013).Should We Nudge Informed Consent?” American Journal of Bioethics 13: 22-23.

Brooks, Thom (2013). “Philosophy Unbound: The Idea of Global Philosophy,” Metaphilosophy 44(3): 254-266.

Brooks, Thom (2013). “Democracy” in Duncan Pritchard (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Brooks, Thom (2013). “Legal Philosophy” in Duncan Pritchard (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Brooks, Thom (2012). Punishment and Moral Sentiments,” Review of Metaphysics 66: 281-293.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “James Seth on Natural Law and Legal Theory,” Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 12(2): 115-132.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “Reciprocity as Mutual Recognition,” The Good Society 21(1): 21-35.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “Preserving Capabilities,” American Journal of Bioethics 12(6): 45-46.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “The Academic Journal Editor – Secrets Revealed,” Journal of Moral Philosophy 9(3): 313-325.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “The British Citizenship Test: The Case for Reform,” The Political Quarterly 83(3): 560-66.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “After Fukushima Daiichi: The Importance of Global Institutions for Nuclear Power Policy,” Ethics, Policy and Environment 15(1) (2012): 63—69.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “Moral Frankensteins,” AJOB Neuroethics 3(4): 28-30.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “The Academic Journal Editor: Secrets Revealed,” Journal of Moral Philosophy 9(3): 313-325.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “Reply to Redding, Rosen and Wood,” Hegel Bulletin 66: 23-35.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “Climate Change and Negative Duties,” Politics 32(1): 1-9.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “Hegel and the Unified Theory of Punishment,” in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 103-123.

Brooks, Thom (2012). “Natural Law Internalism” in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 167-79.

Brooks, Thom (2011). “Punishment” in Duncan Pritchard (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Brooks, Thom (2011). “British Idealism” in Duncan Pritchard (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Brooks, Thom (2011). “Retribution and Capital Punishment” in Mark D. White (ed.), Retributivism: Essays on Theory and Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 232—245. (Quoted approvingly by Connecticut Supreme Court striking down the death penalty as unconstitutional in Connecticut.)

Brooks, Thom (2011). “Punishment: Political, Not Moral,” New Criminal Law Review 14(3): 427-438.

Brooks, Thom (2011). “Rethinking Remedial Responsibilities,” Ethics and Global Politics 4(3): 195-202.

Brooks, Thom (2011). “What Did the British Idealists Ever Do for Us?” in (ed.), New Waves in Ethics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 28-48.

Brooks, Thom (2011). “Is Bradley a Retributivist?” History of Political Thought 32(1): 83-95.

Brooks, Thom (2010). “Hegel: Philosophy of Politics” in Duncan Pritchard (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Brooks, Thom (2010). “Punishment and British Idealism” in Jesper Ryberg and J. Angelo Corlett (eds), Punishment and Ethics: New Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 16-32.

Brooks, Thom (2009). “The Problem with Polygamy,” Philosophical Topics 37:109-22.

Brooks, Thom (2009). “Muirhead, Hetherington and Mackenzie” in William Sweet (ed.), The Moral, Social and Political Philosophy of the British Idealists. Exeter: Imprint Academic, pp. 209-232.

Brooks, Thom (2009). “A Critique of Pragmatism and Deliberative Democracy,” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 45(1): 50-54.

Brooks, Thom (2008). “A Two-Tiered Reparations Theory: A Reply to Wenar,” Journal of Social Philosophy 39(4): 666-669.

Brooks, Thom (2008). Was Green a Utilitarian in Practice?” Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 14(1): 5-15.

Brooks, Thom (2008). Shame on Me, Shame on You? Nussbaum on Shame Punishment,” Journal of Applied Philosophy 25(4): 322-334.

Brooks, Thom (2007). “Punishing States That Cause Global Poverty,” William Mitchell Law Review 33(2): 519-532.

Brooks, Thom (2007). “No Rubber Stamp: Hegel’s Constitutional Monarch,” History of Political Thought 28(1): 91—119.

Brooks, Thom (2007). “Between Natural Law and Legal Positivism: Dworkin and Hegel on Legal Theory,” Georgia State University Law Review 23(3): 513—560.

Brooks, Thom (2006). “Knowledge and Power in Plato’s Political Thought,” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 14(1): 51—77.

Brooks, Thom (2006). Plato, Hegel and Democracy,” Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 53/54: 24-50.

Brooks, Thom (2005). Kantian Punishment and Retributivism: A Reply to Clark,” Ratio 18(2): 237-245.

Brooks, Thom (2005). Hegel’s Ambiguous Contribution to Legal Theory,” Res Publica 11(1): 85-94.

Brooks, Thom (2004). Is Hegel a Retributivist?” Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 49/50: 113-126.

Brooks, Thom (2004). “Retributivist Arguments against Capital Punishment,” Journal of Social Philosophy 35(2): 188—197.

Brooks, Thom (2004). “A Defence of Jury Nullification,” Res Publica 10(4): 401-423.

Brooks, Thom (2004). “The Right to Trial by Jury,” Journal of Applied Philosophy 21(2): 197—212.

Brooks, Thom (2004). “Hegel’s Theory of International Politics: A Reply to Jaeger,” Review of International Studies 30(1): 149—152. (“This development was decisive in determining the place Hegel’s theory of international politics was assigned in the family tree of International Relations theory” – Davide Barile, “History and the International Order in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,” The Owl of Minerva 51(1-2) (2020): 33—57, at 39.

Brooks, Thom (2003). T. H. Green’s Theory of Punishment,” History of Political Thought 24(4): 685-701.

Brooks, Thom (2003). Does Philosophy Deserve a Place at the Supreme Court?” Rutgers Law Record 27(1): 1-17.

Brooks, Thom (2003). “Kant’s Theory of Punishment,” Utilitas 15(2) (2003): 206—224.

Brooks, Thom (2002). Cosmopolitanism and Distributing Responsibilities,” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 5(3): 92-97.

Brooks, Thom (2002).In Search of Śiva: Mahādēviyakka’s Vīraśaivism,” Asian Philosophy 12(1): 21-34.

Brooks, Thom (2002). “Saving the Greatest Number,” Logique et Analyse 45: 55—59.

Brooks, Thom (2001). Corlett on Kant, Hegel and Retribution,” Philosophy 76(298): 561-580.

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